• High academic standards are rendered irrelevant and inconsequential if the learning environment is undisciplined. Without proper discipline, teaching - learning activity becomes meaningless.

  • Refinement of manners, habits of obedience and order, neatness in person and dress are required at all times.

  • Order and silence must be maintained when moving around the school premises. No yelling, running or horseplay is allowed.

  • Children need to be in school every working day. An absence will be excused only for reasons totally beyond one's control. In case of sickness, a doctor's certificate must be produced along with the parent's letter.

  • A strong view will be taken of fabricated and fictitious medical certificate.

  • Parents must refrain from sending students afflicted by contagious diseases to school, even during examinations, as they are health hazards for the other students.

  • No pupil who has recently been suffering from any infectious or contagious illness, like measles, chicken-pox and conjunctivitis (red-eyes) will not be allowed to attend school, until permission has been granted by a registered medical practitioner.

  • Children who miss examinations on this count will not be re-examined. Average marks will be calculated accordingly.

  • Parents seeking leave for their guardians must submit a written application.

  • Students absent for more than 15 days without leave could have their names struck off the school rolls. If readmission is sought, the right of admission will remain with the Principal I/C. If admission is granted the student will have to repay the admission fees.

  • Students are advised not to bring valuables to the school. School takes no responsibility for the loss of valuable articles.

  • Students should report and deposit found articles in the school office.

  • Girls are strictly prohibited from wearing any type of ornaments. Non-compliance could lead to confiscation of the ornaments.

  • The use of mobile phones in school is prohibited. Breach of this regulation will lead to the phone being confiscated and a penalty of Rs. 500 will be levied.

  • Students are strictly prohibited from bringing walkman, radios, tape recorders, electronic games to school, unless permission is granted by the teacher, and only for the sole purpose of instructions or practice for cultural programmes.

  • All unauthorized items are liable to be confiscated and will not be returned to the students, but to their parents.

  • No student should remain in the classrooms during the recess or games periods. Classrooms, other than their own are strictly out of bounds.

  • During the absence of the class teacher, the class-monitor will assume full responsibility for the order and discipline of the class.

  • Students are advised not to indulge in unhygienic habits and desist from buying eatables from vendors in and around the school.

  • Any damage done in or about the school must be made good by the student who caused it, with actual cost or fine, or both.

  • Students are expected to use the school's computer equipment both responsibly and productively. Students must have a staff member's permission before touching or operating a computer, before using any specific software, or before uploading or downloading anything. They must access only those files that they have created or that have been created for their use. Rules and guidelines regarding the operation of school computers will be detailed in the computer lab.

  • Students must respect privacy of email messages. Stealing passwords, tampering with another's email, sending offensive or intimidating messages, will lead to a strong disciplinary response.

  • Students may not leave the school grounds before the end of the session without permission from the principal or the supervisors.

  • The auditorium and stage areas can be used by students only under the direct supervision of a teacher.

  • Students who play truant from school, popularly known as bunking, and remain absent without the knowledge of their parents, guardians or faculty will be dealt with severely. Punishment could include suspension and eventual expulsion.

  • Irregular attendance, perpetual disobedience or defiance to authority or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school could result in the student being asked to leave the school.

  • The Principal will issue warning letters to erring students. Three such letters will entail automatic expulsion of the student from the school.

  • All the students should be proud of their school and should maintain decorum and dignity not only in the school but, more importantly, outside the school, as well. Their behavior and conduct should reflect the high standards the school has set itself and they should prove themselves worthy ambassadors of the institution.

  • The school reserves the right to require the withdrawal of any student whose behavior or academic performance indicates an inability or unwillingness to meet the requirements of the school or whose actions are injurious to self or others.